Develop Unshakable Confidence In 3 Simple Steps... 

How Thousands Of Entrepreneurs Are Shattering Self Doubt And Conquering 'Imposter Syndrome' In The Blink Of An Eye

Without spending years of their life facing hardship, rejection or failure.

The same powerful system that has caught the attention of celebrities like The Rock...

Here’s what you’ll discover inside “The Confidence Mastery Blueprint"...

  • ​How to use the most powerful laws of psychology to quickly neutralize your inner critic and skyrocket your self-esteem so that you can start feeling good about yourself right now.
  • ​The secret to eliminate self-consciousness, embarrassment and the constant fear about what other people are thinking about you..
  • ​The single most important thing you can do to explode your confidence levels in the next 5 minutes (even if you think that you’re shy and have low self-esteem right now).
  • ​5 dirty tricks that you can use to quickly get into a confident state before important meetings, presentations or client calls that will dramatically improve your chances of signing new clients.

I Wanted To Die.

I Was Born With A Rare Birth Defect Called Hanhart Syndrome

A defect that stripped me bare...

And left me with no legs, an undeveloped right arm, and a left arm with only one finger.

“Stupid Cripple…”, “Freak…”, “Invalid…”

This became my life.

Whispers in the school yard... And hidden looks everywhere I went. I still remember all the words which people said to me…

Which they still do.

But That Wasn’t What Stung The Most….

It was the fact that I actually believed them.

And I hated myself for it. I wanted to love myself so badly but I couldn’t…
I just felt so sick of it all.
I shouldn’t be alive right now.

There’s really only one thing that saved my life.

And that was discovering a process that I used to drag myself out of the lowest depths of despair...

And allowed me to build up more confidence than many “able-bodied” people could ever dream of.

A step-by-step process that’s forged through years of failure, struggle and heartache.

And thanks to this discovery, thousands of entrepreneurs are being inspired to:
  • Build genuine confidence and self esteem that actually lasts...
  • Tame the constant voices of doubt that have been blocking them in the past...
  • Radiate authenticity and build a magnetic presence...
  • ​Eliminate procrastination and hesitation from their lives...
  • ​And speak up, stand out and step into higher levels of success in everything they do!

“If you’ve ever wanted to accomplish things like this as well, you’re not alone. Maybe you’ve experienced things like 'Imposter Syndrome' or horrible self confidence just like me… So today I want to show you how to fix it forever. 

And by the end of this letter, you’ll be able to take massive IMPERFECT action and experience tangible change in your life and your passion. Keep reading carefully and I’ll show you how this all works...

This secret explains why so many entrepreneurs spend their entire lives trying to build confidence and self-esteem... but never achieve it!

And it has nothing to do with “fake it till you make it”, hard work or screaming weird affirmations to yourself in the mirror.

Now I know this might sound too good to be true…

I get that...

Especially if you’ve fallen for the slick advertising campaigns run by the billion-dollar self-help industry in the past.

So I’m not asking you to believe me right now…

All I’m asking is that you take the next few minutes and let me show you the proof that I have.


My Message Is Inspiring Millions Of People Around The World

And it will do the same for you.

It’s the exact same secret that took me from a depressed, suicidal teen…

And allowed me to 
build myself into a Bodybuilder… 


And a successful entrepreneur.

It’s allowed me to find true love with a beautiful woman…

And even share a stage with Tony Robbins.

And this is all because of the simple process that I’m about to reveal in the next few moments.

So ask yourself:

Given how important confidence is for your life, business and future success…

Isn’t it worth taking a few minutes right now to find out if this confidence system is for real?

You’d be crazy not to… right?

Especially if you’re in an industry where you need to sell yourself to make a living.


I’ll Tell You The Secret That I Discovered In Just A Moment...

But first I should probably introduce myself.

Hi! 👋

My name is Nick Santonastasso

And I’m just a normal guy that has faced a TON of adversity in my life... And was forced to learn how to find my way back to loving myself again.

You see… Everyone has a reason for wanting confidence. Mine was to try and find a way to get girls to like me. 

I Spent My Entire Childhood Running Away From Pain...

And all I wanted was to find someone that would love me.

I could never face my problems…

I always avoided them and tried to rationalize that it was my fault that people treated me the way that they did.

One of the only people that treated me like a normal human was my brother.

He’s my hero...

He was a wrestler, and I wanted to be like my brother... 

I thought that if I became a wrestler then I could get girls to like me.

But the problem was that the bone in my undeveloped right arm was growing faster than the skin…

So if I knocked it on anything, then the bone would break through the skin.

But I didn’t care…

Because it was my only shot at a normal life.

And as soon as I got home from school, I kinda just blurted it out…

“Mom and Dad, I Want To Amputate My Arm…”

At first they hesitated… But I told them that this will really change my life...

And I couldn’t believe that they said yes.

Little did they know that it was one of the greatest gifts that they ever gave me.

And I had no idea that my quest to start wrestling would take me on a wild journey through the underbelly of the self-help industry…

And that it would expose what I believe to be it’s biggest lie.

You see…

I got the surgery a few months later and that allowed me to start wrestling. And many people believe that it was the momentum that wrestling gave me that changed my life.

While that may be true…

It’s only part of what happened.

So... How did I go from being broken and depressed…

Into finding confidence and success?

Let’s get into that now.

The first thing that you need to understand is…

Where Do We All Go Wrong?

Let me ask you a quick question...

Why do children never question their abilities?

They don’t tell themselves that they can’t walk, or can’t talk…

And this is at the point where they ACTUALLY can’t walk or talk because they haven’t learned how!

They don’t worry that someone won’t like them…

Or live in a constant fear of failure or ridicule.

You see…

We are born perfectly confident… It’s not something that we need to acquire over time.

Being fearless is the adorable trait that every baby is born with.

We are all dreamers that want to be astronauts, presidents and movie stars...

But as we get older, those dreams stop being cute...

And people start to tell us things like…

“That won’t work…”

“No one from our family has done that…"

“Success is only for the lucky ones…”

“You can’t do that…”

“Who do you think you are…”

“That’s not possible…”

You’ve probably heard similar things in your life… Am I right?

The problem is that when we hear things like this as we are growing up...

We actually start to believe them.

We form something that I call “fixed beliefs”.

These are deeply-seeded beliefs about ourselves that prevent us from pursuing our goals and desires.

The reason that this happens is because when we think certain things over and over again…

They form beliefs.

“When you believe something about yourself, you will have thoughts that are in line with that belief…”

For example if you have a belief that you aren’t worthy of success…

Then you’ll have recurring thoughts all day about how you aren’t worthy.

Make sense?

This constant barrage of negative thoughts stops us from doing the important things in our lives…

They stop us from reaching out to prospective clients, finding amazing relationships or going after our goals.

We start to feel like we can’t do things anymore…

That we’re not capable and destined to fail.

We become afraid… So we settle...

We avoid the things we’re scared of, stay in our comfort zone…

And sit in a state of quiet desperation as life passes us by.

Most of the time these thoughts have been with us for so long that we think it’s just normal...

We assume that we were just born weird, or awkward, or anxious…

Or that deep down there’s something wrong with us.

We think it’s normal so we just accept that we’re broken...

And hope that we won’t be stuck this way forever.

The truth is…

The Self-Help Industry 
Is Deceiving Us...

It tells us that we need to chase success...

We need to buy products and services to “fix” ourselves...

And then we’ll finally feel happy.

We see this everywhere, it’s marketing 101…
  • Get a nice car and women will want you…
  • You have to look like a Victoria’s Secret model for men to find you attractive…
  • You need a ton of money to be considered “successful”
  • ​And the list goes on and on…
And we are being bombarded by advertisements that tell us these things every single day!
We are all in this constant chase to try and escape from bad emotions...

And the self-help industry tells us that if we change ourselves or buy something then we’ll be happy.

But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

The industry wants you to keep buying its products and services... 

So, it will always try to sell you another “band-aid solution” that never deals with the CORE PROBLEM…

Which is your negative “fixed” beliefs about yourself.

They know that if you succeed then you won’t need to buy anything else from them.

And this leads to many people spending their lives in a state of constant “hustle” trying to escape from their own thoughts and feelings.

They feel desperate to find success so that they can get more money, attract more fame and buy more “things”… 

And this is a never-ending cycle...


Success Makes The Problem Even Worse...

Success doesn’t get rid of those fixed beliefs...

It just changes the nature of them.

They become…
“This isn’t going to last…”

“I’m going to fail…”

“Everyone else is better than me…”

“I’m not good enough…”

“I’m not smart enough…”

“I’m not beautiful enough…”

“I’m not worthy…”
This means that you can spend your life chasing after results...

But you’ll never find lasting fulfillment from that success because you’ll be constantly waiting for it to be taken away from you.

Or for people to finally realize that you’re actually an impostor or a fraud.

And I’ll tell you firsthand that social media makes this worse. 

I have over 607,000 followers on one Instagram account and I can tell you that the bigger you get…

The worse it becomes!

Social media forces us to constantly compare our normal lives to other people's highlight reels…

Everywhere we look there is someone that is better, smarter, richer and more successful.

Our friends are progressing ahead of us and we can’t keep up...

Even though we work our hands to the bone to try and find success.

The big mistake is that...

We are looking for validation from things outside of ourselves…

And programming ourselves to seek significance from a bunch of likes and comments...

I’m here to tell you that this is a bunch of BULLSHIT!

And it’s hurting us.

But there’s hope.

I need you to know that...

You’re Closer Than Ever To A Breakthrough!

The solution is actually really simple…

Because confidence is a learnable SKILL that anyone can master…

It’s not some elusive quality that only a few lucky people were born with.
When it comes to confidence…

“The only thing that’s holding you back are the stories that you tell yourself in your head…”

You know what you need to do to lose weight, make more money or get that date.

You’re just afraid to do it!

And if you want to stop being afraid then…

Tell yourself a different story!

There's a really simple and easy way to do this.

You see...

Lasting Confidence 
Comes From Keeping The Promises That You Make To Yourself…

Think about it…

If you promise yourself that you’ll wake up early, go to the gym, call that client…

And if you don’t fulfill that promise then you’re hurting your relationship with yourself.

And you feel worse about yourself.

Would you still be friends with someone that never showed up for you? 

I didn’t think so…

It’s the same thing when it comes to your relationship with yourself.

As soon as you start breaking promises…

Then you stop showing up for yourself.

And if you can’t trust yourself then you have nowhere to turn.

But if you commit to your promises 
and follow through with them…

Then something magical happens.

You start to play the game more than most people practice…

And you naturally start to improve.

You see results...

And you start questioning those faulty beliefs because there’s a difference between your results and the story you’re telling yourself.

You start to question those beliefs because you have evidence that you CAN do something...

That’s exactly what happened to me when I started wrestling...

I committed to the promises that I made to myself each and every day.
And when you do that…

Suddenly Your Negative Thoughts Start To Run Out Of Steam...

The constant thoughts and negative stories that you tell yourself slow down…

And instead of staying with you… haunting you…

They start to pass easily and stop bothering you.

Your default state turns from fear and anxiety… Into excitement and positivity!

You then have the space to create new stories about yourself that are empowering instead of crippling…

And because of this...

One Day You Wake Up And Notice That Your Life Is Completely Different.

You’ll be walking tall and won’t care what other people think of you.

People will start to notice you when you enter a bar, step into a client meeting or climb onto stage.

You’ll get admiring glances from onlookers, friendly smiles from strangers…

And intense engagement from whoever you talk to.

It becomes easy to tame those voices of doubt that blocked you in the past…

And you’ll radiate authenticity because it’s not an act that you’re putting on!

You’ll just have reset the beliefs that you held about yourself and…

The endless stream of self-conscious analysis will have disappeared.

So when this happens...

Success Becomes A By-product Of Your Levels of Confidence And Self-Esteem.

You feel happy and fulfilled because you don’t carry those “fixed beliefs” about yourself anymore.

This is possible for anyone and is the exact reason why I have some of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world saying things like this about me…


Author of the miracle morning and host of the best year ever blueprint live event
“Nick Santonastasso is one of the most authentic, inspiring and hilarious speakers (and human beings) i have ever had the pleasure of experiencing! If you want to guarantee that you audience thanks you, I´m giving you my highest recommendation to book Nick.”


Forbes Top 50 Wealthiest Under 50, Host of #MAXOUT Podcast
“Nick exemplifies themaxing out life to the fullest! His story is truly special and inspirational. I would go anywhere In the world to hear him speak.”


#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Girl, Wash Your Face
“It´s impossible to hear Nick Santonastasso speak and not be inspired by the determination and exellence he approaches life with. He is a living embodiment of not letting anyone else decide who you can be and what you can achive and he challenges his audience to perceive their lives in the same way.”

Lasting Confidence Can Be Yours In Just 3 Simple Steps…

The process of building confidence is actually really easy if you know how…

And you can see changes in the way that you view yourself extremely quickly.

Here’s the overview of the process that you need to take:
First you need to commit to yourself and start following through on the promises that you make yourself…

This creates momentum, stops hesitation and gets you consistently taking action.

Next you need to start replacing the old stories that you tell yourself with empowering ones…

This will fundamentally change the way that you view yourself.

And finally you need to discover how to optimize your state so that you learn how to control your emotions and build long-term happiness.

When you start consistently taking these 3 actions you will develop unstoppable, unshakeable confidence faster than you can imagine.

Now, you could stop reading right now...

And go and start doing this yourself.

You’ll probably struggle, but there’s the possibility that you’ll find lasting confidence.

I’ve told you what the process looks like.


You could give me just 2 hours of your time and let me personally train you on how to quickly build confidence for the rest of your life…

It would cost less than you probably spend on coffee in one week…

But it will give you everything that you need to know to…

Build Rock Solid Confidence For The Rest Of Your Life.

I’ve spent my entire life building up my confidence.

I’ve faced so many challenges and adversity in my life that…

If I Didn’t Learn How To Build My Confidence Then I Wouldn’t Be Alive Right Now...

There’s no hype in that statement.

I literally have one arm and no legs.

What’s your excuse?

I made a decision to let all of that go...

And now I share the stage with people like Tony Robbins.

No one is more qualified to teach you how to become more confident than me.

And I can teach you the step-by-step, systematic system that I took to build up my confidence and get my success.

So, Here’s What To Do Now:

Look, if you’re already confident and getting all the success in your business that you can handle, keep doing what you’re doing.

But if you want a proven process to build rock-solid confidence and belief in yourself… in as little as the next few hours…

Here’s what I’ve done for you.

I’ve put together the most life-changing confidence building strategies that I’ve learned throughout my life

Into a brand-new, on-demand course that you can have access to right now.

I call it…

The Confidence Mastery Blueprint

The Confidence Mastery Blueprint

And it’s a deep dive into how to quickly build confidence and success as an entrepreneur.
Whether you think that you're tall or short…

Ugly or beautiful…

Or a complete failure… It doesn’t matter!

I’ll show you that you can feel completely calm, relaxed and confident in yourself.

I’ll show you that you can be magnetic.

By the end of this training, you will have every tool that you need to build incredibly high levels of confidence and self-esteem…

And when you do the exercises, you will start to feel yourself shift immediately.

And I’m going to let you… 

Save 90%-Off Right Now

Here’s what you’ll discover inside “The Confidence Mastery Blueprint”...

  • Discover how 3 simple changes to your daily routine will dramatically help you build confidence every single day on autopilot (if you don’t have these in place then you’ll never experience lasting confidence)
  • ​How to use the most powerful laws of psychology to quickly neutralize your inner critic and skyrocket your self-esteem so that you can start feeling good about yourself right now.
  • ​The secret to eliminate self-consciousness, embarrassment and the constant fear about what other people are thinking about you..
  • ​How to use your body language to connect with people. The simplest and most natural way to become a “magnetic personality” is to do this with your body when you talk to someone.
  • ​The single most important thing you can do to explode your confidence levels in the next 5 minutes (even if you think that you’re shy and have low self-esteem right now).
  • ​5 dirty tricks that you can use to quickly get into a confident state before important meetings, presentations or client calls that will dramatically improve your chances of signing new clients.
  • ​The secret “RAS” system that reprograms your subconscious mind to identify new opportunities to achieve your goals every single day.
  • ​… and much more!
And before today, if you wanted me to teach you this system…

You’d have to invest 5-figures into private coaching from me.

But that all changes now.

Right now, during this brief time period that we are launching this new offer, you can have instant access to everything for ONLY $47.

But as soon as our full marketing funnel is ready to go live, the price will jump up dramatically.

So, if you want to start building unbreakable confidence in yourself so that you can live life on your own terms...

Now may be the best time (with the biggest savings) for you to grab the training.

Click the button, fill out the form and get access now to everything. 

Plus, I’ll Add These Valuable Bonuses To Your Purchase Today:

Bonus #1: The Confidence Building Workbook

This digital companion workbook will allow you to work through the process of building lasting confidence step-by-step with Nick.

This is the ultimate workbook that you can use to scribble your notes and do the exercises that lead to greater confidence...

And a life unleashed.

Bonus #2: The Confidence Building Meditation Series

You will get a series of meditations that will help reprogram your subconscious mind to create long lasting confidence.

You will be able to sit comfortably and follow along with our simple meditations even if you are a beginner and struggle to sit still.

Bonus #3: Nick’s Top Confidence Picks

This is a collection of the most powerful, impactful and life-changing tools and resources that I have discovered for breaking through fixed beliefs and building confidence quickly.

This will serve as your daily reminders and inspiration on your journey to living your life on your own terms.

Bonus #4: The Confidence Blueprint

This companion ebook will lay out the key strategies and techniques in a simple “quick-start” guide that you can use to get started immediately before watching the mini-course.

This guide will also allow you to remind yourself the key lessons without needing to go through the course again.

Bonus #5: Exclusive Access To Our Facebook Group

It’s extremely hard and scary to create change in your life if you’re all alone.

That’s why we will give you access to our exclusive Facebook group so that you become part of an active community of people who want to grow and change their lives for the better.

Why Is It Only $47? What’s The Catch?

There’s no “catch” to this, no hidden costs or anything else that you should worry about.

In case you’re wondering why it’s so cheap…
Here’s the reason:

I want you to become a loyal customer of mine so that you keep buying my offers in the future, and this is the easiest way that I can convince you that I can help you. I’ve put so much effort into this training because when you see how awesome this is, you’ll be excited to buy from me again.

And I’m so confident that you’re going to love this training that I’m going to do something completely ridiculous…

The World’s Most Ridiculous

I’m going to let you try out our training for 7 days… And if you don’t love it then I’ll give you 200% of your money back.

I am literally going to PAY you to become confident, because if my process doesn’t work then you’ll DOUBLE your money.

Along with that, you’ll get our normal 14 day money-back guarantee.

Here are the details...
Risk-FREE Guarantee #1
If you can prove that you have done the exercises that we recommend in the workbook and contributed in our Facebook Group and you don’t see dramatic improvements in your confidence levels within 7 days of purchase, then email us a simple 1-page note giving me your honest feedback and I’ll give you 200% of your money back. That’s correct, you will get DOUBLE your money back.
Risk-FREE Guarantee #2
If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase within 14 days of purchasing, then simply email us at and we will refund you 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.

Now… let me take a few seconds to be completely transparent with you.

The fact that you are still reading this letter shows me that you are an action-taker…

Or else you wouldn’t be here.

The people that are indecisive and don’t value making progress in their lives have long since dropped off.

And it’s just us now.

So I can talk honestly.

I need you to realize that the people that dropped off are going to be the same people tomorrow…

They are going to be stuck, frustrated and struggling until they decide to do something about it.

There’s an amazing quote that I love that Julian Lennon says…

“Nothing changes, until you change…

Everything changes, once you change!”

And it’s really easy to make that change if you just take a chance.

And I want you to take that chance on me because I know that your life can change faster than the blink of an eye.

I’m really excited to be your coach as we get this part of your life mastered.

And I look forward to seeing your amazing testimonial with the results that you’ll experience from working together.

I’ll see you on the next page.

Nick Santonastasso

P.S. You’re saving 90%-OFF right now

Instead of paying $2,000 or more like everyone else, you get instant access to everything right now for ONLY $47.

But this deal is only available until our full marketing funnel is completed.

Q: What Makes This Course Different From Any Other Guide Out There?

A: This mini-course is based on Nick’s own unique method that he used in order to build confidence throughout his life. Nick has had to go through an incredible amount of hardship in his life and these are strategies that he developed out of necessity to survive. You won’t be able to find a system that is this effective in any book or other course out there.

Q: How Long Will It Take To Get Results?

A: This training delivers results fast. There’s no fluff or filler content that will take up your time in it and we don’t believe that it takes months or years to overcome your limiting beliefs. If you take action and do the exercises that we recommend then you’ll see results immediately after you do them.

Q: How Much Time Do I Need To Commit?

A: You don’t need to put in endless hours of work. All you need to do is go through the 2 hour course and then start taking action on exactly what I tell you to do and you’ll get results.

Q: What Happens If It’s Not For Me?

A: We want you to feel secure and confident in your purchase, so you are eligible for a 200% money back guarantee for 7 days after purchase. Should you find that the program isn’t for you and you can prove to us that you have done the exercises and contributed on the Facebook group, then write us a one page note giving us your honest feedback and we’ll refund you double your purchase price immediately

Q: Okay, let's say I believe you. How do I enroll?

A: Just click on the buttons on this page...You’ll be taken to a checkout page. Enter your regular details and click/tap “Pay” and once your order is confirmed, I’ll email you access.

Q: I’ve Got A Question That’s Not Answered Here?

A: We’re happy to help! Just email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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